10 Jun 7 reasons not to take on personal account all that, what you are told
Constantly accept criticism, as a personal insult –
not rationally, especially, if it is constructive.
And get upset over every unpleasant word, said
in your direction – emotionally exhausting occupation. But it still happens
it is difficult to control your reactions to certain words or events.
So before you take something for granted,
mention the following:
they, how people treat you, – it's more about them and their worldview, than about you
the main character in the life of every person – it is he himself, and not someone else; people can deal with things, which have nothing to do with you
you can't control what other people say or do, but you decide how to react to it
people sometimes say or do something out of habit or so, who do not know how best, and not because, that they knowingly want to offend you
sometimes it's easier for other people to see that, which we do not see. if their criticism is objective and can help, should not be in a hurry to listen
the first step to improving your self-esteem and self-confidence – it is to stop allowing other people to take responsibility for them
people may disagree with you, your values and beliefs may not match, this is normal.
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