25 Mar Are there wrong emotions?
There is an opinion in society, that emotions are positive and negative, right and wrong, harmful and beneficial.
But is it so?
No, this is a myth.

* Our desire is to have only "positive" emotions,
such as happiness, joy and compassion are unproductive.
Why? Because it provides, that we should avoid or suppress "negative" emotions: malice, irritability, I am. We have been taught this since childhood. But all emotions have a right to exist. So, malice, jealousy, fear, Doubts are not very pleasant to feel, but they are often very useful to us.
Example, fear protects us.
Anxiety before the trip will "make" you look, or all the important things and documents you took.
Anger at the manager motivates to look for a new job.
Unfortunately, living "negative" emotions often encourages them to intensify negative reactions. Consider the example of envy. There is always someone, to whom, as we believe, live better. Someone has more experience, more money, more happiness and children are calm and polite. Jealousy can shake self-esteem and confidence. You see on social media, that someone was already at sea, and you - no. You compare your lives and those, as (In your opinion) others live. You doubt your abilities and achievements. So what is positive in envy?

* If you are not stuck in emotions, and direct it in a productive direction,
then it can motivate you to improve some area of your life and achieve your own goals.
There are many such examples.
All emotions have pros and cons.
Remember, that any emotion is not an indicator of a situation, in which we found ourselves, it is the result of our thoughts.
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