Psychologists, psychotherapists

How often do you find yourself in the situation, when you don't like something, you feel dissatisfied, but you prefer to remain silent and agree? Or in a situation, when you don't like something, and you explode either immediately, or after being silent for a long time and accumulating resentment? Якщо ви...

Мозок складається з нейронів, нервових вузлів і ланцюгів. Раніше вчені вважали, що він налічує сто мільярдів нейронів, але у 2015 році бразильський нейробіолог Сюзана Херкулано-Хузель провела ретельне оцінювання і виявила, що число ближче до вісімдесяти шести мільярдів. ⠀_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ *Філігранні нейронні ланцюги взаємодіють між собою. Example, є ланцюг ухвалення...

There is an opinion in society, that emotions are positive and negative, right and wrong, harmful and beneficial. But is it so? No, this is a myth. ________________________________________________________________________________ * Our desire is to have only "positive" emotions, such as happiness, joy and compassion are unproductive. ________________________________________________________________________________ Чому? Because it provides, що ми повинні уникати або...

How prone you are to stress? Can you lower it yourself and deal with anxious thoughts?? Can you lower it yourself and deal with anxious thoughts?, Can you lower it yourself and deal with anxious thoughts?? Friends and acquaintances often tell you: Friends and acquaintances often tell you? Якщо впізнаєте в цих реченнях себе...

how to recognize and react, however, some people are still inclined to think, however, some people are still inclined to think, however, some people are still inclined to think, however, some people are still inclined to think. however, some people are still inclined to think, however, some people are still inclined to think. It's not the same, що поганий настрій....

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