Psychologists, psychotherapists

We have started a new project to improve psychosis., We have launched a new project to improve psychosocial support in the eastern regions of Ukraine, providing psychosocial support to the population in eastern Ukraine. У межах проєкту ми співпрацюватимемо з двома університетами в регіоні – Донбаським державним педагогічним університетом у Слов’янську та Луганським національним університетом імені Тараса Шевченка...

26 Another training of CETA individual consultants ended in November. 23 🔵, 🔵, WHO and UNICEF standards, 🔵, 🔵, 🔵, WHO and UNICEF standards, 🔵, 🔵, 🔵, 🔵, 🔵, 🔵, 🔵, 🔵. One-on-one consultations are the second step in the CETA program. На них можна потрапити після проходження...

On the basis of Donbass State Pedagogical University in Slovyansk in continuation of cooperation with the National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy" in October 2020 The Center for Mental Health and Psychosocial Support was opened in. The work of the Center will be aimed at conducting research and educational activities, implementation of research projects in the field of psychology, психології...

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