Immigrants and war victims

Psychosocial support of persons, who suffered as a result of the conflict in Ukraine The project is jointly with the Charity Organization "Malta Relief Service of Ukraine" and the National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy" with the support of the German government and the Maltese International Relief Service Performance period January 2018. January 2018. Tasks and target groups of the project provide psychosocial support to internally displaced persons and...

CHANGE - Alcohol abuse during humanitarian crises Terms of implementation July 2020 - June 2025 The purpose of the project Promote the provision of mental health and psychosocial support services to the population, affected by the military conflict, by developing and researching the effectiveness of psychological intervention, aimed at solving problems caused by alcohol abuse and psychological problems...

“Розроблення онлайн-курсів для фахівців під час пандемії COVID-19” Період реалізації: April May 2020 p. Координатор проекту – Ірина Іванюк У співпраці з ГО «Волонтер» та за фінансової підтримки ЮНІСЕФ розроблено два онлайн-курси: Psychosocial support for teachers and students in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic [Bogdanov S.O., Donets Yu.V., Ivanyuk IV, Solovyova OD]. 2020. Kyiv: NaUKMA,...

The Center for Psychosocial Rehabilitation of the National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy" has opened its doors 17 Center for Psychosocial Rehabilitation of the National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy" 2015 year, і був створений за допомоги Мальтійської Міжнародної Служби (with the support of the German Humanitarian Aid), with the support of the German Humanitarian Aid. Мета Центру — надавати допомогу людям, котрі постраждали внаслідок військової агресії РФ....

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