
You have already booked your first appointment with a therapist and are looking forward to it. but in moderation, you have never talked to psychologists before. And here, you feel quite intense and unpleasant excitement. You may even think: can, cancel appointment? Emotion - fine. After all, such a campaign - this is a new experience, такі...

Did you notice, how often we use "you", коли говоримо про себе в певних ситуаціях? Mental disorders are often considered the cause of suicide, люди дуже часто використовують "you", коли розмірковують про власне життя.Наприклад: "When you are overwhelmed by emotions, you often say that, what do you regret later", "When you are not understood, you feel lonely". Чому...

Man, which often suppresses emotions, may feel empty and certain"numbness". It is difficult for her to understand her feelings, and she may feel uncomfortable, when someone shows emotions and feelings. Usually we suppress those emotions and feelings, which are considered negative, or those, які пов'язані із дискомфортом: anger, sorrow, fear,...

The foundation of a person's emotional life is laid from childhood, in the process of communicating with parents. If parents do not talk enough with the child about emotions and feelings, or if the child's feelings are met with a categorical reaction from the parents, it can cause emotional problems in adulthood. Як навчати дитину розуміти...

Constantly accept criticism, as a personal insult - not rationally, especially, if it is constructive. And get upset over every unpleasant word, said in your direction - emotionally exhausting occupation. Та все ж буває складно контролювати свої реакції на певні слова чи події. Тому перш ніж сприймати щось...

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