Pavlo Gorbenko

Pavlo Gorbenko is a psychologist, psychotherapist, supervisor. Work experience - more 15 years. Works in person and online. Uses an integrative approach based on cognitive-behavioral therapy (SETA), Gestalt therapy and symbol dramas (work with imagination). A separate area of ​​work is family counseling and psychotherapy.



Mental trauma and PTSD, anxiety, depression, underestimated self-esteem, confidence development, emotional burnout, building mature male-female relationships.



Master of Psychology (Central Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education – 2004 p.)
Gestalt therapist (Moscow Gestalt Institute - 2011 p.)
Initiation therapist (Ukrainian Union of Initiation Specialists - 2013 p.)
Trauma therapist (Lviv Institute of Psychotraumatology "Trauma Therapy" – 2019 p.)
Consultant, supervisor and coach of SETA (Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University – 2020p).
With 2015 year working with people, affected by the military conflict in eastern Ukraine.



Paul is interested in the processes of formation of male and female emotional maturity and their impact on building healthy partnerships in a couple.



Paul believes, that to achieve the effect in therapy it is important to follow several important principles. The first is the clarity and transparency of the counseling or therapy process. Importantly, that man understood that, what faced, what reasons led to the current state of affairs, what ways out there are and what steps are needed, to improve the situation. The second is the equal responsibility of the client and the therapist in the process of therapy. A psychotherapist can suggest approaches and methods, explain the direction of movement and provide the necessary support to the client. The customer in turn, relying on the help of a therapist, makes his own efforts to the best of his ability and gradually regains more and more the ability to rely on himself. And finally, the third is the development of skills and understanding. Improving well-being, increase control over your life, all these are things, which you can learn, skill set. Certainly, someone will take less time for this, and someone has more. Someone will come one way, and someone - a little different. But the long way can be broken into small steps and gradually achieve any goal. He will overcome the road, who goes.


To veterans of anti-terrorist operation, members of their families, services are provided free of charge to migrants and residents of frontline zones. To make an appointment for a consultation, call the number +380671095831.



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