Victoria Solovyova

Victoria Solovyova is a psychologist and psychotherapist, Head of the Center for Psychosocial Rehabilitation of the National University "Kyiv - Mohyla Academy". Pokrovskaya, member of the Ukrainian Union of Psychotherapists, experience in practical psychology 22 years, in psychotherapy 12 years. Practices in face-to-face and online format. Uses a systematic and integrative approach, based on various scientifically sound methods: SETA therapy (one of the approaches of cognitive-behavioral therapy), systemic family psychotherapy, Gestalt approach.



Crises in family and partnership relationships, interdependent relations, mental trauma, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety, manifestations of suicidal behavior, psychosomatic symptoms ( panic attacks, lump in the throat, eating disorders, etc.).



She graduated from the Donetsk Institute of Social Education, Faculty of Psychology , Moscow Gestalt Institute, Kyiv branch of the First Ukrainian School of Psychotherapy in the direction of "Systemic Family Psychotherapy", trained as a consultant, SETA supervisor (Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University).

Worked as a psychologist with 1999 year in the education system as a practical psychologist, with 2011 year managed the psychological service of. Pokrovskaya of Donetsk region, Methodist of the highest category.

With 2014 p. works in the field of mental health and psychosocial support of people, affected by the military conflict in eastern Ukraine, including working with the population on the line of demarcation, coach and supervisor of mobile teams of international humanitarian organizations, who provide psychosocial support in eastern Ukraine, UNICEF expert (UN) and GIZ (Community for International Cooperation, Germany) in the field of mental health, with 2017 Head of the Center for Psychosocial Rehabilitation NaUKMA. Pokrovskaya



Child and adult suicidology and bullying in school groups, trauma therapy, transgenerational trauma (trauma of generations). Author and co-author of methodical materials, recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science for implementation in educational institutions, resilience and stress resistance of children and adults, victims of the military conflict, author of the program to increase stress resistance "Safe Space".



The systems approach significantly expands the choice of methods and allows you to adapt different technologies and psychological interventions to a particular client and his personal history.. In the therapeutic approach, the main factor Victoria considers the therapy of contact and building a trusting relationship between the client and the therapist.. Formation of safe therapeutic relationships, basic self-confidence and the world can further develop and enhance the client's abilities and strengths, fills with resources and abilities to overcome difficult life circumstances and crises, build secure borders in relations with the environment.


To veterans of anti-terrorist operation, members of their families, services are provided free of charge to migrants and residents of frontline zones. To make an appointment for a consultation, call the number +380671095831.


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