When terror strikes: response and restoration of life

When terror strikes: response and restoration of life

* This material is translated from the educational resource psykososialberedskap.no, developed by RVTS East (Norway).

These are practical and useful tools, aimed at providing specific knowledge to victims, volunteers and humanitarian personnel, working in disaster zones.

“You took the life of an extraordinary man on Friday night, the love of my life and the mother of my son, but you will not wait for my hatred", – these words were written by Antoine Leiris after the terrorist attack in Paris 13 November 2015 year. Terrorists attack for the purpose of promoting political, ideological and religious ideas, increasing fear and creating chaos in society. Consequently, hatred and xenophobia may arise.

Immediate response

Terrorist acts are intended to frighten citizens and attract the attention of the media to achieve political goals, religious or ideological goals. Terrorists want to influence the entire population, and not only on those, who is directly affected. Their methods – it is violence, fear and hatred.

The goal of terror- influence the population, causing fear and instability in society,
therefore it is possible, that terrorism can either decrease, or stop altogether,
if people don't react like that, as terrorists expect.

Lars Weisset, crisis psychiatrist and researcher

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The purpose of terrorism – cause fear, collective anxiety and instability.
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Uniting people after the terrorist attack in Nice 15 July 2016 year. Photo: Dmytro Kostyukov / The New York Times

Can we be prepared for terrorism?? 

The threat of terror in Europe is complex. An attack can happen quickly and with minimal organization. Recent terrorist attacks in Europe have shown, that in addition to government measures, vigilant and courageous citizens play an increasingly important role.

Reactions to danger

The thunder of the explosions makes everyone stop and listen. The human signaling system responds with automatic responses to ensure survival. These reactions are activated in dangerous situations, to enable the body to fight or flee.

The media can increase or decrease our fear

The media can either reduce, or increase anxiety. Newspapers and social media can be “megaphones” for terrorist messages by spreading terrorist threats. The media can also reduce fear and chaos, communicating important information to citizens.

Society is in fear

Influencing citizens, terrorism indirectly affects democratic values, culture and social structure. Violence against innocent people is used to destroy the values ​​of society.

It will be easier for us to continue living, if we manage to create the "illusion of invulnerability".
We can do it, ignoring thoughts of disaster and trusting the authorities to overcome the threat.

Lars Weisset, crisis psychiatrist and researcher

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In a society with an increased risk of terror, the public's perception of danger changes.
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Nice after the terrorist attack. Photo: EPA / Caroline Bloomberg
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The psychological effect of terrorism is decreasing, when the population unites and regains a sense of control.

Resistance of the population

In order to prevent the increase of fear, the population must take a common position. Counteracting the fear of terrorism may involve returning to everyday activities by focusing on the, which increases unity and reduces fear and uncertainty.

Reduction of fear and stress

With the help of knowledge, strategies and exercises we can improve our stress resistance and skills, how to cope with stressful situations.

Talk to the children

Terror affects children. Through mass media, children can see and hear difficult stories about people, who have suffered from terrorism and feel sadness and fear. The Maltese Aid Service is one of the organizations, so that adults can clearly explain everything to children, giving them a sense of reliability and security.

Leadership to, during and after terrorism

Leaders must be calm and act in the direction of unification, to serve as good role models. Citizens should be encouraged to do so, that they may be careful and live on, as usual. A leader must emphasize shared values ​​and unity.

Restoring everyday life

Terrorism inspires fear, as it strikes suddenly – impossible to know, When, where and who will be affected. It's brutal and affects many people at once. A normal first reaction to terrorism – it's fear. Over time, fear can turn into anxiety. In order to return to a "normal" life, you have to overcome your anxiety.

There is no point in sitting back and talking to ourselves, that the danger has passed.
You have to leave the house and see for yourself.
This is the only way to regain a sense of security.

Ekornas on the waist, special advisor RVTS East

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Unity is important for that, to come back to life and experience the event.
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Ground Zero, by 15 years after 11 September.
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Don't let fear stop you from enjoying social events.

Strategies for coping with stress

Terrorist threats must be overcome in this way, so that fear does not affect the quality of life and health. There is no "right" way to live with fear and uncertainty. However, there are many effective strategies for coping with stressful situations.

From normal reactions to difficulties

Our normal fear responses can protect us in dangerous situations. After the terrorist attack, people, usually, avoid crowded places and certain situations. This is a normal and adaptive first strategy. Alertness and avoidance- these are auxiliary strategies in dangerous situations, but if they are stored for a long time, then problems may arise.

Avoidance and influence

Social withdrawal and avoidance can lead to the maintenance of normal stress responses, and eventually to anxiety. To prevent psychological difficulties, places and situations must be encountered, which you fear.

Rescuers – from working on terror sites to daily errands.

Emergency services are activated during terrorist attacks. Emergency workers, police, fire protection and emergency response teams will work to ensure the physical and mental health of victims and citizens. How we can help rescuers cope with stress after violent incidents?


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