We have launched a new project to improve psychosocial support in the eastern regions of Ukraine

We have launched a new project to improve psychosocial support in the eastern regions of Ukraine

We have started a new project to improve psychosis., We have launched a new project to improve psychosocial support in the eastern regions of Ukraine, providing psychosocial support to the population in eastern Ukraine.

As part of the project, we will cooperate with two universities in the region - Donbas State Pedagogical University in Slovyansk and Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University in Starobilsk., and will liaise with local authorities and organizations, and will liaise with local authorities and organizations.

and will liaise with local authorities and organizations:

and will liaise with local authorities and organizations and will liaise with local authorities and organizations, focused on the needs of communities for psychosocial support

and will liaise with local authorities and organizations focused on the needs of communities for psychosocial support

and will liaise with local authorities and organizations focused on the needs of communities for psychosocial support

and will liaise with local authorities and organizations provide training in a certified program of specialists from local communities, provide training in a certified program of specialists from local communities

provide training in a certified program of specialists from local communities provide training in a certified program of specialists from local communities with the support of the Federal Government of Germany.

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