Debunking myths: Debunking myths

Debunking myths: Debunking myths

Debunking myths.

Mental disorders are often considered the cause of suicide, Mental disorders are often considered the cause of suicide. Mental disorders are often considered the cause of suicide, Mental disorders are often considered the cause of suicide, Mental disorders are often considered the cause of suicide, do not diagnose a mental disorder at the time of death. do not diagnose a mental disorder at the time of death, do not diagnose a mental disorder at the time of death, do not diagnose a mental disorder at the time of death, do not diagnose a mental disorder at the time of death, do not diagnose a mental disorder at the time of death, work-related, work-related


work-related, work-related. work-related, example, severe depression.

severe depression, severe depression. severe depression, severe depression.

An extremely large number of people with mental disorders do not die by committing suicide. An extremely large number of people with mental disorders do not die by committing suicide, An extremely large number of people with mental disorders do not die by committing suicide

An extremely large number of people with mental disorders do not die by committing suicide, who have mental health problems, who have mental health problems, who have mental health problems, who have mental health problems, who have mental health problems, who have mental health problems, who have mental health problems!

Julia Zagarnytska

who have mental health problems
"Promoting resilience
"Promoting resilience

The project "Promoting the Viability of Communities in Ukraine" is implemented within the program of cooperation between the governments of Norway and Ukraine in the field of health "Health Colaboration with Ukraine".

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