01 Jun UNICEF projects
- “Development of online courses for professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic”
Implementation period: April May 2020 p.
The project coordinator is Iryna Ivanyuk
Two online courses developed in cooperation with the NGO "Volunteer" and with the financial support of UNICEF:
- Psychosocial support for teachers and students in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic [Bogdanov S.O., Donets Yu.V., Ivanyuk IV, Solovyova OD]. 2020. Kyiv: NaUKMA, UNICEF, 2020. URL: https://specialists.nostress.org.ua/
- Features of remote work of a school psychologist in the conditions of the COVID-1 pandemic9 [Zaleska OV]. 2020. Kyiv: NaUKMA, UNICEF, 2020. URL: https://specialists.nostress.org.ua/
- “Strengthening the resilience of education professionals and strengthening the capacity of community members to provide psychosocial services in the eastern regions of Ukraine, affected by conflicts ”
Implementation period: August 2019 - January 2020 рр.
The project coordinator is Iryna Ivanyuk
The project was implemented by the NGO "Words Help" during August 2019 - January 2020 with the financial support of UNICEF.
The project aims to increase the level of knowledge and practical skills to better manage the stress of children and youth and overcome their burnout, as well as strengthening the capacity of community members, which provide MSS to adolescents and young people.
As part of the project:
- 50 school psychologists (men and women) from schools, located in Donetsk and Luhansk regions within 15 km from the contact line, gained knowledge, skills and methods for better management of children's stress and overcoming their own burnout; 50 school psychologists, those who participated in the trainings received regular supervision support;
- 50 school psychologists received methodical literature on the program of PSP and burnout;
- 25 community members (men and women), which will provide direct services to adolescents and young people in local communities, located in Donetsk and Luhansk regions, for 15 km from the contact line, received skills and methods to overcome high levels of stress in adolescents and young people;
- 25 community members, those who participated in the trainings received regular supervision support;
- 25 community members receive sets of methodological literature on the provision of PSP.
- “Providing a safe learning environment for children and adolescents near the contact line in Eastern Ukraine by strengthening the capacity of professionals – work with children and their communities in Donetsk and Luhansk regions in the controlled area (0-15 km from the contact line) and uncontrolled territory - to protect against risks and vulnerabilities "
Implementation period: November 2018 - April 2019 рр.
The project coordinator is Iryna Ivanyuk
The project was implemented by the NGO "Words Help" with the financial support of UNICEF.
The project aims to strengthen the capacity of local professionals, who work with children, teenagers, parents / guardians and their communities in Eastern Ukraine, to prevent and eliminate risks and vulnerabilities, related to the protection of children, including redirecting cases to available services.
As part of the project:
- 150 educational professionals (30% men and 70% women) with 75 schools, located in Donetsk and Luhansk regions within 15 km from the contact line, gained knowledge, psychosocial support skills and techniques (PSS), life skills (LSE), prevention of domestic and gender-based violence (VAC, GBV);
- 70% trained educators received regular supervision;
- 10 community members (50% men and 50% women), who work with children, adolescents and their parents / guardians by providing services directly to local communities, located in the uncontrolled territories of Ukraine in Donetsk and Luhansk regions (NGCA), gained knowledge, PSS skills and techniques, LSE, VAC та GBV, after which they regularly received supervisory support;
- A comprehensive training package on child protection has been developed, including PSS, VAC, GBV, MRE and LSE modules, and his 310 copies (Ukrainian + Russian + e-version) distributed among professionals in the target area.
- “Increasing the resilience of educators and building the capacity of community members to provide psychosocial services in the eastern regions, affected by the conflict ”
Implementation period: June 2018 - June 2019 рр.
The project coordinator is Iryna Ivanyuk
Project "Increasing the resilience of educators and building the capacity of community members to provide psychosocial services in the eastern regions, victims of the conflict ”was implemented by the NGO“ Words Help ”during June 2018 - June 2019 with the financial support of UNICEF.
The project aims to provide school psychologists with tools to better manage the stress of children and youth and overcome their burnout, as well as to help strengthen the capacity of professionals, community members, which will provide MSS to adolescents and young people (including through mobile work).
As part of the project:
- A study "Burnout among teachers of secondary schools, working in Donetsk and Luhansk regions »;
- 728 educational professionals (men and women) from schools, located in Donetsk and Luhansk regions within 15 km from the contact line and those, those who took part in the Safe School project gained knowledge, skills and methods for better management of children's stress and overcoming their own burnout;
- 553 educational specialists, who participated in the trainings, received regular supervision support;
- 2328 educators received methodical literature on burnout;
- 50 community members (men and women), which will provide direct services to adolescents and young people in local communities, located in Donetsk and Luhansk regions, for 15 km from the contact line, acquired skills and methods for overcoming high levels of stress in adolescents and young people;
- 50 community members, who participated in the trainings, received regular supervision support;
- 50 community members received sets of methodological literature on the provision of PSP.
- "Comprehensive psychosocial support and assistance to the most vulnerable communities near the line of contact"
Implementation period: September 2017 - April 2018
Project manager - Iryna Ivanyuk
The project "Comprehensive psychosocial support and assistance to the most vulnerable communities near the line of contact" was implemented by the Center for Mental Health and Psychosocial Support NaUKMA in September 2017 - April 2018 with the financial support of UNICEF.
The project is aimed at improving the level of knowledge and practical skills of teachers of 66 secondary schools, located in the five-kilometer zone from the line of contact in Donetsk and Luhansk regions.
As part of the project:
- conducted 14 three - day trainings for 350 school psychologists, teachers, deputy principals for educational work from 66 schools;
- provided monthly face - to - face and weekly remote supervision for 350 school psychologists, teachers, deputy directors for educational work, who were trained;
- developed an online course based on the textbook "Teacher training for the development of sustainability / stress resistance in children in educational institutions / FROM. ABOUT. Bogdanov, BUT. M. Miner, ABOUT. IN. Zaleska, AND. IN. Ivanyuk, IN. IN. Соловьова, IN. BUT. Chernobrovkina, IN. M. Chernobrovkin.- TO.: Pulsari, 2017» URL: http://disteduold.ukma.edu.ua/course/category.php?id=22
- conducted online trainings for 350 school psychologists, teachers, deputy principals for educational work from 66 schools using the materials of the developed online course;
- educational and methodical materials on psychosocial support of children were published and distributed;
- near 7000 children near the contact line received psychosocial support.
- "Comprehensive psychosocial support and assistance to the most vulnerable groups near the line of contact"
Implementation period: February 2016 p. - July 2017 p.
Project manager - Iryna Ivanyuk
The project was implemented by the NaUKMA Center for Mental Health and Psychosocial Support during February 2016 p. – July 2017 p. with the financial support of UNICEF.
The project was aimed at increasing the level of knowledge and practical skills of teachers and reducing the level of stress and hyperactivity of students in 33 secondary schools, located in the five-kilometer zone from the line of contact in the Donetsk region.
As part of the project:
- seven three-day trainings were conducted for 159 school psychologists, social educators, teachers, deputy principals of schools for educational work;
- weekly supervision by phone / skype, monthly face-to-face supervision for school psychologists, social educators, teachers, deputy school principals, who have been trained in training;
- distributed 44 toy sets among schools near the contact line for use by psychologists for psychosocial support of children;
- created, printed, received the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and distributed among the regional institutes of postgraduate pedagogical education two textbooks:
- "Preparing teachers for the development of resilience / stress resistance in children in educational institutions / FROM. ABOUT. Bogdanov, BUT. M. Miner, ABOUT. IN. Zaleska, AND. IN. Ivanyuk, IN. IN. Соловьова, IN. BUT. Chernobrovkina, IN. M. Chernobrovkin.- TO.: Pulsari, 2017»; URL: http://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/11848
- "Correctional and developmental program for the formation of resistance to stress in preschool children and schoolchildren" Safe Space " / FROM. ABOUT. Bogdanov, T. B. The nit, ABOUT. IN. Zaleska, N. IN. Лунченко, IN. G. Panok, IN. IN. Соловьова. - TO.: Glyph Media, 2017» URL: http://ekmair.ukma.edu.ua/handle/123456789/11847
- “Comprehensive psychosocial support for mobile team specialists, working in the buffer zone ”
Implementation period: May - October 2016 p.
Project manager - Iryna Ivanyuk
The project was implemented by the NaUKMA Center for Mental Health and Psychosocial Support during May-October 2016 p. with the financial support of UNICEF.
The project was aimed at preventing professional and emotional burnout of mobile crews, operating in the buffer zone, and improving their psychosocial status; conducting a study of children's stress resistance and the availability of psychosocial support services for children, living within a 40-km buffer zone.
As part of the project:
- prepared 10 supervisors for psychosocial support of mobile team specialists during the two-day training;
- conducted 5 two - day trainings for 117 specialists, which provide psychosocial support in mobile settings for local communities, living in the buffer zone;
- monthly 3-hour supervision support sessions were held (in person / online) for specialists of mobile crews, psychologists and social workers, who took part in the trainings;
- a qualitative and quantitative study of psychosocial stress was conducted, stress resistance, and the availability of psychosocial support services for children, living within a 40-km buffer zone;
- conducted 10 one - day trainings on psychosocial support for 200 representatives of member organizations of the cluster on mental health and psychosocial support;
- developed a questionnaire to assess psychosocial stress resistance in school-age children;
- a program for the training of supervisors at the master's level has been developed.
- “Comprehensive psychosocial assistance to children, teenagers and families, affected by the conflict in Ukraine ”
Execution period: October 2015. - December 2016 p.
Donors and partners: UNICEF Office in Ukraine, Department of Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection of the European Commission (ECHO), National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy" in cooperation with the Ukrainian Scientific and Methodological Center for Practical Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine with the assistance of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
Project manager - Oksana Basenko.
Project “Comprehensive psychosocial assistance to children, teenagers and families, victims of the conflict in Ukraine "is part of the EU and UNICEF initiative" Children of Peace ". Experts of the National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy" (NaUKMA) offered a comprehensive program of psychosocial assistance, which provided assistance to the child at the family level, communities, and focused psychological support and specialized psychotherapeutic care.
As part of the project, trainings were held in Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporozhye, Dnipropetrovsk and Kharkiv regions of Ukraine, in which they took part 3842 teachers of secondary schools, 465 practical psychologists and 112 social workers, to increase psychosocial resistance to stress in children, on the basics of emotional communication, creating a trusting class environment - safe, open to children and parents, favorable for the development of relations, protection against the consequences of social catastrophes.
Assistance was provided to the development of the NaUKMA Center for Psychosocial Rehabilitation in. Slovyansk, where children and parents have the opportunity to receive free qualified psychotherapeutic care. Training of practical psychologists from Donetsk and Luhansk regions of the program of child psychotherapy is carried out.
In general, during the project about 250 000 children and their parents took part in the psychosocial support program.
Project team:
Oksana Basenko is the project coordinator
Serhiy Bogdanov is an expert in developing a psychosocial support program, head of research, coach-supervisor
Solovyova Victoria is an expert in developing a psychosocial support program, head of research, coach-supervisor (Donetsk region)
Olga Fedorets is an expert in developing a psychosocial support program, coach-supervisor (Dnipropetrovsk region)
Olena Nureeva is an expert in developing a psychosocial support program, coach-supervisor (Kharkiv region)
Konrad Tatiana is an expert in developing a psychosocial support program, coach-supervisor (Zaporozhye region)
Zaleska Oksana is an expert in developing a psychosocial support program, coach-supervisor (Luhansk region)
Panok Vitaliy is the director of the Ukrainian Scientific and Methodological Center for Practical Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, doctor of psychological sciences
Lunchenko Nadiya is a researcher at the Ukrainian Scientific and Methodological Center for Practical Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine
Miner Andrey Nikolaevich – expert in program development and conflict resolution training for school psychologists, Professor of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy of NaUKMA, candidate of philosophical sciences.
- "Increasing the psychosocial response of children and families in the eastern and central regions of Ukraine"
Execution period: November 2014 p. — May 2015 p.
Donors and partners: UNICEF Office in Ukraine,
National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy" in cooperation with the Ukrainian Scientific and Methodological Center for Practical Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine with the assistance of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
The project experts developed the program "Skills of crisis counseling and the development of psychosocial resilience to stress in children" and conducted a series of trainings for 400 school psychologists and social pedagogues of educational institutions from Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhia Luhansk and Kharkiv regions.
The acquired knowledge made it possible to provide support over 11 000 children and their families and raise awareness more, than 4 000 teachers and psychologists to recognize the signs of psychological trauma and respond accordingly.
During the project implementation a qualitative and quantitative study was conducted with participation 1365 children from Donetsk and Luhansk regions, the results of which showed the high efficiency of the implemented program to restore psychosocial stability. For a short period of time in the school process and without psychotherapeutic forms of intervention managed to reduce the level of psychosocial stress in children more than in 3 times with 37% to 11% and positively affect all behavioral indicators without exception. The program also allowed to identify the psychosocial resources of children and their families to overcome stressors and develop effective coping strategies.
According to the decision of the Board of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (protocol 3/3-3 from 26.03.2015) from September 2015 It was decided to introduce teaching of the program of psychosocial support of children developed and implemented within the project in institutions of postgraduate pedagogical education on a permanent basis.
Project team:
Oksana Basenko is the project coordinator
Serhiy Bogdanov is an expert in developing a psychosocial support program, head of research, coach-supervisor (Donetsk region)
Fedorets Olga – expert in developing a program of psychosocial support, coach-supervisor (Dnipropetrovsk region)
Nureeva Elena – expert in developing a program of psychosocial support, coach-supervisor (Kharkiv region)
Lomeyko Natalia – expert in developing a program of psychosocial support, coach-supervisor (Zaporozhye region)
Zaleska Oksana – expert in developing a program of psychosocial support, coach-supervisor (Luhansk region)
Lunchenko Nadiya is a researcher at the Ukrainian Scientific and Methodological Center for Practical Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine
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