Alexander Klinovsky is a psychologist, psychotherapist with more experience 4 years. Has experience as a full-time, and online therapy. Uses an integrative approach, based on various scientifically sound methods: SETA therapy (one of the approaches of cognitive-behavioral therapy), cognitive-behavioral therapy, transactional analysis, елементи психодрами, somatic techniques.
mental trauma, depression, anxiety, neurosis, panic attacks, problems in interpersonal relationships (including family and child-parent), intrapersonal conflicts and crises, self-determination and self-identification, existential crises. Mental trauma, panic attacks, depression, anxiety, interdependent relations, child-parent relationship, work with children and adolescents, childish attachment.
He graduated from Donbass State Pedagogical University, Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis “Cognitive-behavioral therapy”.
With 2020 p. works in the field of mental health and psychosocial support of people, affected by the military conflict in eastern Ukraine. He was trained as a consultant and supervisor of SETA (Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University). He has been trained and provides psychological assistance to cancer patients and their families.
Alexander has a special interest in working with people, living life crises, including in the context of extreme and traumatic events.
Integrative approach, which Alexander uses in his work, allows you to adapt the process of psychotherapy to the needs of each person. According to Alexander, therapeutic relationships are an important factor in maintaining health and healing. He believes in the power of basic health / constructive human beliefs about themselves, other people and the world and the ability of people to change them throughout life; in the great role of emotional and sensory human experiences; in the authenticity of bodily processes, reflecting and revealing meanings, which a person experiences within himself; in the great resource potential of healthy behavior skills, which you can learn.
Alexander encourages his clients to be more aware of themselves and others; strengthening self-acceptance; self-research and discovery of new resources and meanings in difficulties, and the study of unconscious limitations and attitudes. He forms partnerships and host relationships with his clients, within which it is comfortable to move to greater integrity, well-being and health.
To veterans of anti-terrorist operation, members of their families, services are provided free of charge to migrants and residents of frontline zones. To make an appointment for a consultation, call the number +380671095831.